Thursday, September 7, 2017



This is an example of algae because moss which grows on sides of trees as shown in this picture.

Asexual Reproduction  Star fish are an example of Asexual Reproduction because if star fish loose an arm they can regrow it with asexual reproduction.

This bush is an example of an autotroph because it is a producer of air and takes in sun light to grow.

This is and exsample of biology because biology is the study of living things.

This is an example of biosphere because the biosphere is the worldwide sum of all ecosystems.
Image result for communityThis is an example of a cell which is the building blocks to all parts of life.

Image result for data chart

This is an example of a comunity, acomunity is dicribed as a group that trives and helps eachother.

This chart is an example of data because data is somthing that is recorded and put in a graph or table.

Image result for developmentDevelopement
Image result for dnaThis is an example of decelopement because a human starts as a baby and continuously gets bigger.

This photo represent a dna strand which is what makes up 
how we look or react to things.
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This is an example of an eco system because the water helps the trees live and helps bring in wild life.

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A gene is a hereditary part of life that passes down certian traits to its offspring.

Image result for water
Matter can come in three stages solid, liquid, and gas. water is a perfect example of matter because it can be all three states of matter, solid , liquid, and gas.

Image result for natural selectionNatural Selection

Natural selection is a process when a species changes their looks or features so they can adapt to their soroundings.

Image result for observationObsorvation
Obsorvation is the when you look deeper at an object.


Image result for organism
Image result for organ systemAn organism is an animal that is living and can reproduce to make an offspring.

Organ System
Image result for populationAn organ system is a vital part of the body because it is what digests food to make energy.

Image result for speciesPopulation is a large group of people or animals that thrives off of eachother.

Butterflies are a species because there are many diffrent kinds of butterflies around the world.